Older video but I still use these exact same strategies today in my studio: “If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
Using one light in studio to create amazing portraits…
How to get great results in studio using only one light. Older video, but still very relevant today! “If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
My Top 9 Photography Marketing Strategies
In this video I reveal my best, all time favorite, marketing strategies that I have used in my studio for years. These strategies are very effective for the portrait studio photographer. “If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
How to create stunning underwater photography with nothing but a point and shoot and housing….TIPS!
Started shooting underwater photography with a Canon and Canon housing…no flash. using certain strategies you can create some stunning results. “If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
Wedding photography tutorial from way back
Wedding photography tutorial from way back….older, but still very relevant info on how to get some cool poses on a wedding “If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
Photographing a model in studio and on location
Portrait lighting tips and using the Nikon creative lighting system “If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
Offbeat fun studio family poses with baby
Here I am in the studio having a blast photographing a family and baby. “If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
Tips on photographing females
Great presentation. A longer life broadcast on poses, lighting and photographing ladies. “If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
Photographing the two year old child
Photographing the two year old child. They call me the Zen Master of the two year old. I suppose after photographing so many over the years I learned how it’s done. Here it is….enjoy: “If you want to be a profitable and successful photographer, then study profitable and successful photographers.”
Fairy portraits in studio set up- How I do it
Quick video on how I set up for fairy day…. How to build a successful long term Fairy Business and earn $thousands$ in profits from a few days work!